Monday, June 18, 2007

Bush should be tried as a war criminal says former Reagan official

"Paul Craig Roberts said that the US government is in the hands of dangerous psychopaths who are a disgrace to the human race and who should be arrested as war criminals and turned over the the Hague..."

I think the most telling part of this linked story is at the bottom where 5418 votes had been cast when I arrived at the site for a poll that read "Should BushCheney be..." and the stats at that time were as follows:
Impeached - 10% said yes with 565 votes
Stand trial on charges for War Crimes - 8% said yes with 422 votes
Stand trial on charges for Treason - 2% said yes with 86 votes
Impeached, Stand trial for War Crimes and Treason - 77% said yes with 4168 votes
None of the above - 3% with 138 votes
Not sure - 1% with 39 votes

Out of those 5418 votes cast only 4% of people that was 177 votes did not want the President to be held accountable for any potentially illegal actions while 96% of those polled basically want to deep fat fry the President and his gang of psychopaths. So this begs a serious question with this sort of polling and many like it starting to appear around the web these days. Are we standing on a precipice in this country of open revolt against our leaders?

Even the Democrats are not stopping these maniacs and in my opinion that is because they are either too scared to act for fear of reprisal or they have simply become complacent fools. This is the point in every novel throughout history with a similar political situation where a legislature burden by an up and coming dictator is forced to say, "We cannot push too hard or he will simply make us irrelevant." Remember Bush just recently passed an executive order that allows him the power to maintain the government in a time of crisis.

In my opinion there is a mad man at the helm of the ship and I see some serious rapids ahead.

read more | digg story


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